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The MBA program at The Master’s University Online provides students with the skills and knowledge they need to be leaders in the business world.

The fully Online MBA program, designed by business leaders with real-world experience, will train you to become the leader God has gifted you to be. With your TMU MBA degree, you will be ready to meet the challenges facing today’s organizations and effectively lead them into the future, with an emphasis on integrity and an eternal impact for the Kingdom of God


  • MBA in Management
  • MBA in Sports Management

In Spring 2022, TMU Business students scored in the 97th percentile in the E.T.S. exam, out of 700 colleges and universities

Core Courses

The Master’s MBA program teaches modern business rooted in the Word of God so that students can become leaders who integrate Scripture in all areas of their personal and professional life.

For a complete list of requirements for this degree please see our academic catalog.

BUS510 3 Units

A comprehensive study of the relationship between government policy, economic trends, and business performance. This course includes an overview of the contents and structure of TMU’s entire online MBA program and must be taken as the first course in the program.

BUS520 3 Units

The course is a study of the procedures and organization of the United States legal system. The course will also provide an in-depth study of tort liability, contracts, and common law. Prerequisite: BUS510.

MKT561 3 Units

An introduction to foundational marketing concepts followed by a study of advanced and cutting-edge techniques. Prerequisite: BUS510.

MGT510 3 Units

A study of current organizational design and management theory and practices. Students will apply these concepts to complex real-life organizational scenarios. Prerequisite: BUS510.

ACC500 3 Units

Students learn to prepare and analyze financial statements. Students apply accounting methods for the purpose of informing management decisions.

MGT520 3 Units

This course covers macroeconomic issues relevant to conducting business at the national level and globally. Students will wrestle with such concerns as Maintaining Free Markets, Capitalism, Socialism, and current social and international issues impacting business from a biblical and economic perspective to navigate topics pertinent to today’s business and social climate.

FIN540 3 Units

A comprehensive study of financial forces on the firm. Students learn advanced financial analysis techniques for use in management decisions. Prerequisites: ACC500 and BUS510.

MGT550 3 Units

Students learn operational and decision-making methods to quantitatively optimize business processes. Prerequisites: BUS510 and BUS530.

MGT590 3 Units

The course is a study of the knowledge, skills, and exceptional traits possessed by successful leaders. This course includes a capstone experience in which the students apply what they have learned to the study of business cases and simulations of business situations. (This course must be taken as the last course in the online MBA program.)

Emphasis - Management

MIS510 3 Units

A critical overview of the design, application, and assessment of information systems. Students also learn effective practices for the management of information technology specialists. Prerequisite: BUS510.

INB511 3 Units

A study of the current state of international business, which will include an advanced analysis of the economic and cultural environments present in today’s global marketplace. Prerequisite: BUS510.

MGT530 Business Management

This course provides the knowledge, skills, and values needed for proper managerial decision making.  Both foundational and advanced management concepts are explored in depth.  Students will also participate in a management simulation exercise, which will enable them to put management concepts into practice at a high level.

MKT5XX 3 Units

This course focuses on understanding consumer behavior and integrating marketing strategies to create meaningful, lasting connections and impactful experiences. Students will explore how habits, emotions, social influences, and more drive engagement while learning to craft immersive consumer experiences that foster loyalty. The course also integrates a biblical worldview, emphasizing ethical practices and personal responsibility in shaping consumer relationships and experiences.

This course will be first offered in Summer 2025 and will replace the course “IT Management.”

Emphasis - Sports Administration

SPM510 3 Units

This course takes a two-pronged approach to sport analytics. First, the course will review contemporary issues in sport analytics as they relate to ticketing, fan engagement, and marketing. Second, the student will be exposed to analytics as they relate to specific sports. The purpose of this course is to prepare the student for the data analytic needs to function as a sports information director, facility manager, or even a general manager.

SPM5520 3 Units

This course studies production systems, machine selection, automation, material handling, storage and warehousing, quality, retrofitting, and preventative maintenance related to sports facilities location, planning, and designing.

SPM530 3 Units

This course studies the business of sport operations, the structure of sports leagues, and organizations.


The following courses may be required if not complete in your undergraduate program.

ECN200 3 Units

An introduction to macroeconomic principles and terminology. The primary focus is on the aggregate U.S. economy and the policy decisions that state and federal lawmakers face. Topics include a review of the economic problem, measuring GNP, money and banking, interest rates, monetary and fiscal policy, inflation, and unemployment. A basic knowledge of mathematics and graphs is assumed.

ECN210 3 Units

An introduction to microeconomic principles and terminology. The primary focus is on the business firm and the decisions it faces. Topics include review of the economic problem, mechanics of supply and demand, elasticities, consumer utility, production costs, and the competitive environment. A basic knowledge of mathematics and graphs is assumed.

B121 3 Units

This course is designed to provide the first-year student with the proper framework to think biblically via exploration of inerrancy, hermeneutics, and worldview. The student will begin to form a conviction about the nature of God’s Word, how it should be interpreted, and that every part of life and existence must be informed by truth. This sets up the importance of the education at The Master’s University in its entire curriculum, both G.E. and major courses, and helps every student understand how Christian thought builds the church and makes an eternal impact.

BUS310 3 Units

Topics include descriptive statistics, elements of probability, probability distributions, sampling, estimation and confidence intervals, tests of hypotheses, linear regression, and correlation.

SPMXXX 3 Units

Coming soon!

Career Outcomes

The MBA program prepares students to fulfill their leadership potential as Christians in the business world.

TMU MBA graduates are trained in the essential areas of business leadership and have cultivated the skills needed to thrive in a competitive business environment. Graduates will be ready to meet the challenges facing today’s organizations and effectively lead them into the future, with an emphasis on integrity and an eternal impact for the Kingdom of God.

  • Executive/Financial Officer
  • Financial Manager
  • Investment Banker
Admission Requirements

The Master’s University is committed to providing quality Christian education to believers around the world.

To be admitted as a graduate, masters degree-seeking student in the School of Online Education, you must meet the following requirements:*

  • Have a clear profession of faith in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.
  • Have completed a bachelor’s degree at a regionally accredited college or university with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least a 2.75.
  • Submit official transcripts from all other colleges and universities attended.
  • *Individual programs may have additional requirements.
Number of Credit Hours
Months (Full Time)
Per Credit
Total Avg. Cost
Class Type
8-week, 100% online classes