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Financial Aid - Online

The Master’s University strives to offer students a Christ-centered education within the financial reach of everyone.

We endeavor to keep costs as low as possible, with a tuition that is one of the most economical among private universities. When calculating university costs, be sure to consider the total cost. Consider items like books, supplies, computers, and internet. Keep in mind that financial aid options may be available to help you cover some of these costs.

Apply for Financial Aid

To apply for Financial Aid, visit the link below to learn about our simple 3-step process.

Apply for Financial Aid

For all things billing, this is your resource. Here you will find due dates, refund information, and more.

Learn About Billing
Tuition & Fees

Our programs vary in subject and in pricing. Dive in to learn more about the prices of our various programs.

Tuition & Fees
Military Benefits

Veterans and members of the U.S. Armed forces are welcome at The Master’s University. We set up this page as a resource for all the information you need. 

Military Benefits
Government Grants

Federal assistance is an important factor when deciding if higher education is possible for you. Learn more about the grant options the government provides.

Federal and State Grants

Federal loans with low interest rates can make your educational goals more accessible.

Online Loans
Printable Forms

From FAFSA to Federal Verification Worksheets, every form you need is just a click away.

View All Printable Forms