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On-Campus Dual Enrollment

Get a Jump Start on Your College Degree

On-Campus Dual Enrollment Fall 2025

High School juniors and seniors can get a jump start on their college degree and earn high school credit through our on-campus dual enrollment courses. Students will earn accredited college-level units that are transferable to most colleges.*

By coming on-campus, students:

  • Gain a university campus experience
  • Can attend chapel every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
  • Build relationships through the campus community

Save Money Students that participate in dual enrollment save money through the significantly discounted tuition of the dual enrollment program. The more units students take, the more they will save in the long run on their overall college tuition.

Save Time By completing college credits in high school, students can shorten the time required to complete a bachelor’s degree. As a result, students can graduate and enter a career sooner.

Biblical Worldview Our experienced faculty teach each course from a biblical worldview. With this in mind, classes are built to challenge students academically and spiritually by examining historical and contemporary issues with a biblical approach.

*It is up to the accepting higher education institution if they will accept the transfer credits. We encourage all students to contact the institution(s) they are planning to transfer to. 

Program Information

Fall 2025
Tuition $650 per unit (45% off traditional per-unit tuition)
Semester Dates September 1, 2025 to December 21, 2025
Class Type In-person, 16-week classes

Available Courses

On-campus dual enrollment students may enroll in:

  • 100- and 200-level general education courses only.
  • Maximum of two 3-unit courses in one semester. These units apply to the 8-unit limit per semester for dual enrollment students.
  • Students may combine on-campus and online dual enrollment classes in the same semester, within the unit limit.
  • General education courses have a maximum of five (5) seats reserved for dual enrollment students. Registration is first-come, first-served.

Please note that there are no exceptions to the above parameters.

E110 3 Units

Instruction and supervised practice in the techniques of effective written expression, with emphasis on analytical reading and writing of expository prose. Includes one or more researched and documented essays.


E221 E222 3 Units (Each)

A chronological and geo-politico-religious survey of the major literary works that contributed to the shaping of world
history. This course examines selected literary works from three major regions from antiquity to the present: the Greco-Roman world and Europe, the Middle Eastern world and India, and the Far East (China and Japan). First semester:
antiquity to the Renaissance. Second semester: the Renaissance to the present.


E211 E212 3 Units (Each)

A chronological survey of the development of English literature, with emphasis on the major writers; some attention to
the parallel developments in history, language, religion, and culture. First semester: Anglo-Saxon period through the
Neoclassical period. Second semester: Romantic period through contemporary period.


E231 E232 3 Units (Each)

A survey of the writings of famous American authors, this course emphasizes those who help students to understand
the American heritage and the influences combining to shape American literature. First semester: 1607-1860, Puritans
through Whitman and Dickinson. Second semester: 1860-1960, Twain through selected contemporary writers.


E120 3 Units

An introduction to literary forms: short story, novel, poetry, and drama. This course intends to foster an appreciation
for the range of literature and to instruct students in close reading and analysis. Provides further instruction in expository
writing through personal response to an analysis of the literature.
Fulfills the G.E. General Literature Elective requirement; does not fulfill the G.E. Essentials of Literature requirement.


C100 3 Units

Study and practice of the organization and delivery of prepared material in the conversational style of extemporaneous speaking.


MU190 3 Units

An overview of music and art in Western civilization. Integrates culture, philosophy, and history and helps the student to verbalize a biblically-based philosophy of music and art. Includes a segment on hymnology and worship, concert attendance, and a field trip to an art museum. For non-music majors.


P311 3 Units
H211 3 Units
H212 3 Units

A broad survey integrating important geographical, intellectual, cultural, social, political, and economic developments within the world’s major civilizations from the 17th century to the present.


H230 3 Units

An examination of noteworthy political, geographical, social, cultural, and economic trends in the United States from the colonial era to the present.


POL220 3 Units

A survey of American institutions and processes. Included are such topics as the Constitution, federalism, Congress, the presidency, the judiciary, and civil rights.


ECN200 3 Units

An introduction to macroeconomic principles and terminology. The primary focus is on the aggregate U.S. economy and the policy decisions that state and federal lawmakers face. Topics include review of the economic problem, measuring GNP, money and banking, interest rates, monetary and fiscal policy, inflation, and unemployment. A basic knowledge of mathematics and graphs is assumed.


GS150 3 Units 1 Unit

A survey of the major topics in geology including minerals, rocks, fossils, erosion, weathering, volcanoes, earthquakes,
landforms, plate tectonics, and earth history. The lab will be a hands-on study of geology focusing on the identification
of rocks, minerals, fossils, landforms, and processes as well as outdoor excursions to study rocks in the field. 3-hour
lecture and 3-hour laboratory. (Lab fee may apply.)


MA240 3 Units

An interdisciplinary course designed to provide the student with the analytical tools and concepts for dealing with practical “everyday” problems. Emphasis is placed on developing critical, analytical thinking and reasoning skills in the context of quantitative and logical applications. Topics covered may include logic, fallacies, abuse of numbers and percentages, problem-solving techniques, financial calculations, statistics, correlation, the normal distribution, probability, and mathematics in the arts and politics.


Admission Requirements

The requirements for junior and senior high school students to be admitted to the Dual Enrollment Program are as follows:

  • Have a clear profession of faith in Jesus Christ as his/her personal Savior.
  • Must be in 11th or 12th grade (no exceptions).
  • Must be 15-19 years old.
  • Submit official high school transcripts demonstrating completion of at least 10th-grade with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75.
About Kelley Wilde

High School Dual Enrollment, High School Partnerships


Kelley joined The Master’s University Online as the Dual Enrollment Specialist in 2020. As a mom of four with 20+ years of homeschooling experience, Kelley understands what Christian parents and high schoolers are looking for in a dual enrollment program. She loves serving students and their families by helping them plan for their future college goals and finding the right classes for each student’s unique situation.