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The Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies allows students to gain knowledge and skill across a diverse range of subjects. Transfer students will benefit greatly from this program’s remarkably adaptable features.

Rooted in the Word of God, the online Liberal Studies degree empowers students to analyze multiple subjects with a biblical worldview. As a student in this major you have the freedom to explore multiple fields of interest. Whether you prefer to focus on your career or develop your soft skills, your options are abundant.


As a student in the Liberal Studies program, there are four areas in which you are required to complete your coursework:

  1. English & Communications
  2. Science & Math
  3. Social Science
  4. Humanities & Fine Arts

Below is a list of possible courses in each area that could be used to complete the degree requirements.

English & Communications Example Courses

C122 3 Units

An introduction to the dynamics of technologically mediated social discourse with a look at both individual implications as well as larger processes within society including culture, polity, and commercial enterprise.

C382 3 Units

Theories and techniques of social influence. Course content includes motivation, attitude change, ethics, credibility, nonverbal persuasion, logic and argumentation, emotions, and cultural influences.

E120 Introduction to Literature

An introduction to literary forms: short story, novel, poetry, and drama. This course intends to foster an appreciation for the range of literature and to instruct students in close reading and analysis. Provides further instruction in expository writing through personal response to an analysis of the literature.

E221 3 Units

A chronological and geo-politico-religious survey of the major literary works that contributed to the shaping of world history. This course examines selected literary works from three major regions from antiquity to the present: the Greco-Roman world and Europe, the Middle Eastern world and India, and the Far East (China and Japan). This course covers the antiquity to the Renaissance.

C382 3 Units

Presents comprehensive coverage of the major concepts and principles of the human communication process and analysis of the various forms of communication used by managers. The media of managerial communication include verbal delivery, as well as written letters, reports, memoranda, etc.

Science & Math Example Courses

MA240 3 Units

An interdisciplinary course designed to provide the student with the analytical tools and concepts for dealing with practical “everyday” problems. Emphasis is placed on developing critical, analytical thinking and reasoning skills in the context of quantitative and logical applications. Topics covered may include logic, fallacies, abuse of numbers and percentages, problem-solving techniques, financial calculations, statistics, correlation, the normal distribution, probability, and mathematics in the arts and politics.

BUS310 3 Units

Topics include descriptive statistics, elements of probability, probability distributions, sampling, estimation and confidence intervals, tests of hypotheses, linear regression, and correlation.

LS150 3 Units

A general survey of major concepts in biological science including ecology, diversity of life, history of life, molecular and cell biology, genetics, human biology, animal biology, botany, and contemporary issues in bioethics.

GS150 3 Units

A survey of the major topics in geology including minerals, rocks, fossils, erosion, weathering, volcanoes, earthquakes, landforms, plate tectonics, and earth history. 3-hour lecture.

CH148 3 Units

An introductory study of areas of general chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry with a focus on general qualitative chemistry.

Social Science

BUS368 3 Units

The course focuses on starting a small business through an emphasis on thinking creatively. The student is encouraged to turn
knowledge and skills into entrepreneurial activity, which can include opening a franchise or expanding a family business.
Additionally, the curriculum will cover the basic knowledge necessary to operate a small business. Topics include (but are not
limited to) writing a business plan, developing entrepreneurial skills, and doing case studies of successful small businesses.

MGT351 3 Units

A study of the human factors in business, including the total employee-employer relationship: job analysis, selection, training,
transfer, promotion, dismissal of employees, and industrial relations.

FIN341 3 Units

A survey of investments including stocks, bonds, government securities, and financial intermediaries. Emphasis is placed on
security analysis, valuation, and portfolio management. Topics include personal financial strategies and investment alternatives.

H211 3 Units

A broad two-semester survey integrating important geographical, intellectual, cultural, social, political, and economic
developments within the world’s major civilizations from earliest times to the 17th century.

BE311 3 Units

General introduction to the basic concepts of psychology, with emphasis given to the various theories of psychology along
with a thorough biblical analysis and critique.

Humanities & Fine Arts

SP220A 2 Units

Designed to introduce the beginning student to the Spanish language. The curriculum will include the fundamentals of
grammar, pronunciation, and conversation.

B300 3 Units

This course is a visual study of the Land of Israel, with emphasis on the biblical sites. It employs aerial videos of the sites and
34 hours of lectures explaining the sites. In-depth study of a biblical atlas and the geographical aspects of the life of Christ are

BTH336 3 Units

An in-depth study of God, including His nature, attributes, and triunity. Key aspects of Christology and Pneumatology are also

MU190 3 Units

An overview of music and art in Western civilization. Integrates culture, philosophy, and history and helps the student to
articulate a biblically-based philosophy of music and art. Includes segments on hymnology and worship, as well as concert and
museum attendance. For non-music majors.

Career Outcomes

The Liberal Studies Degree prepares students to be successful in a wide range of areas due to its broad and versatile coursework.

With a Liberal Studies degree from TMU Online, students are equipped with critical thinking skills, communication skills and problem-solving skills that are translated into a wide range of career options.

  • Education
  • Business
  • Communications
  • Non-Profits
  • Human Resources
Admission Requirements

The Master's University is committed to providing quality Christian education to believers around the world.

To be admitted as an undergraduate, degree-seeking student in the Online School of Education you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a clear profession of faith in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior
  • Be a high school graduate or have a GED certificate
  • Demonstrate college-level writing ability
  • Submit official transcripts from all other colleges and universities attended
Number of Credit Hours (Majors and General Education)
Per Credit (Major Courses)
Class Type
8-week, 100% online classes