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The Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministries guides students in developing a comprehensive, biblical philosophy of ministry.

Through the online Christian Ministry degree, you will systematically examine key aspects of God’s Word to gain a theological understanding of the church and learn how the truths of Scripture shape the various aspects of administration within the local church. You will graduate with a comprehensive understanding of church leadership and administration, as well as a keen grasp of biblical interpretation, church history, and theology of the church.


The Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministries guides students in developing a comprehensive, biblical philosophy of ministry.

For a complete list of requirements for this degree please see our academic catalog.

B310 3 Units

This course introduces the student to the necessary skills and techniques that promote educational success in the online environment. Academic writing and research techniques promoting information literacy are examined and applied. This course is also undergirded by an essential focus on spiritual formation foundational to healthy ministry, personal as well as corporate, within the life of the church. Guiding principles for biblical ministry are established within the curriculum.

B340 3 Units

An analysis of how to study and understand Scripture. Emphasis will be placed on the vital methods used to apply a passage and the specific rules used to interpret biblical narratives, poetry, parables, and prophecy.

BTH366 3 Units

An in-depth analysis of the doctrine of origin, nature, purpose, ordinances, government, and ministries of the church, with particular attention given to the various conceptions of the church in the history of theology. Key contemporary issues on ecclesiology will be examined with the intent of gaining biblically sound conclusions. Prerequisites: B101, B102, B201, B202, B340, BIB310, BTH321, BTH322.

B342 3 Units

An analysis emphasizing the great soteriological themes, including sin, justification, sanctification, and glorification, in addition to an investigation of the practical implication of these doctrines. Prerequisites: B101, B102, B201, B202, B340, B310/BIB310, BTH321, and BTH322.

BIB355 3 Units

This class will examine why a biblical worldview is about total reality, not just religious truth. It will equip the student to critique erroneous worldviews for the purpose of becoming effective in evangelism. The class will also examine the need for and the methodology used in pre-suppositional apologetics. It will also consider the appropriate use of Christian evidences and their proper place in the apologetic presentation. Prerequisites: B101, B102, B201, B202, B340, BIB310, BTH321, and BTH322.

BIB375 3 Units

This course presents an overview of church history, tracing the growth and development of Christianity from the Apostolic Age to the present. The course will include discussions of the church fathers, major councils, the Reformation, and key church leaders over the last 2,000 years. Prerequisites: B101, B102, B201, B202, B340, BIB310, BTH321, and BTH322.

BIB380 3 Units

This course is a survey of the history, philosophy, principles, and practice of Christian education. The student will be exposed to, discuss, and evaluate the varied contexts of Christian education. Differing age levels will be considered. The student will be expected to interact with the course materials, the instructor, and other students in an effort to refine 188 the understanding and practice of Christian education. The student is also expected to explore various ministries within their local church and evaluate each biblically. Prerequisites: B101, B102, B201, B202, B340, BIB310, BTH321, and BTH322.

BIB390 3 Units

A seminar on the teaching-learning process with attention given to current research, the dynamics of classroom instruction, curriculum development, and the application of instructional methodology and technology. Prerequisites: B101, B102, B201, B202, B340, BIB310, BTH321, and BTH322.

BIB400 3 Units

This course will consider key issues in church administration. Budget preparation, multi-staff planning and development, committee work, relations between pastoral and lay leadership, and other practical aspects of the day-to-day operations of a typical local church will be discussed. Prerequisites: B101, B102, B201, B202, B340, BIB310, BTH321, and BTH322.

BIB410 3 Units

This course will examine the practical outworking of corporate worship in light of a biblical understanding of the person and nature of God. The course will develop a theology of worship consistent with the teaching of Scripture and applicable for the church today. The course will also introduce a wide range of historical and contemporary issues related to worship. Prerequisites: B101, B102, B201, B202, B340, BIB310, BTH321, and BTH322.

BC300 3 Units

A general introduction to basic concepts and distinctive features of biblical counseling. Students will discuss what biblical counseling is and what it involves, the role of the counselor in biblical counseling, the different kinds of counseling that are needed, the place of counseling in the ministry of the church, and how biblical counseling theory and practice relate to and differ from some of the more common secular models and theories. Part of the course will involve a personal improvement project in which the student will evaluate his/her own counseling qualifications, design a plan for improving some area of his/her life, put that plan into action, and then evaluate his/her progress as the course draws to a close.

BIB430 3 Units

This course will explore the Great Commission Mandate. In doing so, it will seek to unpack a biblical definition of discipleship, examining its practices and carefully considering its implementation within the local church. Students will be encouraged to strengthen their commitment to the practice of discipleship and thereby live out its reality as disciplers. Prerequisites: B101, B102, B201, B202, B340, BIB310, BTH321, and BTH322.

BIB460 3 Units

The biblical approach to missions and evangelism in the local church setting is presented. Examination of both local and international missions from a biblical perspective and a basic model of a local church missions program are discussed. Personal evangelism and discipleship are pursued as an integral part of the course. Christian apologetics will also be reviewed and discussed. Prerequisites: B101, B102, B201, B202, B340, BIB310, BTH321, and BTH322.

BIB470 3 Units

This course is designed to allow the student to make use of the theological material and skills acquired throughout the program. Along with short research papers in which students will interact with various issues and challenges facing the contemporary church, they will also identify and present in written form the philosophy of ministry, statement of leadership philosophy, doctrinal foundation, and curriculum strategy they would use to start a church. (Must be taken as last course in the Christian Ministries degree program.)

Career Outcomes

The online Christian Ministries degree at TMU prepares students for service in the church and in Christian organizations as administrators and teachers.

Students who graduate with a degree in Christian Ministries have a biblical understanding of the mission and foundation of the church as well as practical skills in teaching and leading. This course of study will help students thrive in ministry and administrative positions both in the church and in missions-minded organizations, including Christian schools and universities.

  • Church Administrator
  • Missions Director
  • Christian School/University Administrator
Admission Requirements

The Master’s University is committed to providing quality Christian education to believers around the world.

To be admitted as an undergraduate, bachelors degree-seeking student in the Online School of Education, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a clear profession of faith in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. 
  • Be a high school graduate or have a GED certificate. 
  • Demonstrate college-level writing ability. 
  • Submit official transcripts from all other colleges and universities attended. 
Number of Credit Hours
Months (not including GE requirements)
Per Credit (Major Courses)
Total Avg. Cost (not including GE requirements)
Class Type
8-week, 100% online classes
*Does Not Include Financial Aid