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TMU Mission Statement

The mission of The Master’s University is to empower students for a life of enduring commitment to Christ, biblical fidelity, moral integrity, intellectual growth and lasting contribution to the Kingdom of God worldwide.

Commitment to Christ, as evidenced by:

  • Acceptance and acknowledgment of Christ as Lord and Savior
  • Unreserved worship of God
  • Pursuit of Christlikeness in word, deed and attitude


Biblical Fidelity, as evidenced by:

  • Devotion to the study and application of the Scriptures
  • Willingness to defend the inerrancy, authority and sufficiency of the Scriptures


Moral Integrity, as evidenced by:

  • The nurturing of holiness through self-examination
  • Stewardship of time, abilities and resources
  • A lifetime of wholesomeness and moderation that regards the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit
  • The practice of honesty, courtesy and civility toward all persons
  • The practice of biblically confronting and restoring sinners


Intellectual Growth, as evidenced by:

  • The ability and desire for inquiry into the great issues of life
  • A habit of careful analysis and evaluation of information and ideas
  • A thoughtful interaction with the full range of disciplines comprising the Christian liberal arts, leading to: – an appreciation and respect for the arts – an understanding of diverse cultures – an increasing command of spoken and written languages – a functional grasp of the sweep of human history


A Life Of Lasting Contribution, as evidenced by:

  • Service and leadership within the local church
  • An unashamed proclamation of the Gospel of Christ
  • The building of godly families
  • A strong and biblically-motivated work ethic
  • An informed participation in the political process
  • A continuing development of professional expertise