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Billing Statements

Billing statements are printed each month on the 20th. The statement is calendar based and includes all transactions on your account from the 21st of last month through the 20th of the current month. To view your statement, log into the Student Portal.

Due Dates

Your billing statement will list the next upcoming payment date for your account. View your statement in the Student Portal.


Refunds may be requested from our office by emailing .

  • Refunds cannot be issued for Financial Aid until after the add/drop period ends for the current session.
  • Your available refund will be affected by how many units you enroll in for each semester.


Withdrawals from classes are effective based on the time-stamp of when the add/drop from is submitted. Due to the accelerated pace of online courses, requests to add a course after Thursday of the first week of the classes will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Refunds are prorated to your student account by the schedule below:

8-Week Online Course Prorated Refund
No Attendance 100%
Second week of class (Friday) 100%
Third week of class (Friday) 50%
Fourth week of class 0%
16-Week High School Partnership Course Prorated Refund
No Attendance 100%
Second week of class (Friday) 100%
Third week of class 0%